Wednesday, August 28, 2013

'I Have a Dream'....: The 'March on Washington' 50 Years Later

They Marched in spite of animosity, oppression and brutality because they believed in the greatness of what this nation could become and despaired of the founding promises not kept- Attorney General Eric Holder

Today marks the 50th anniversary of the March on Washington (for Jobs and Freedom) which was one of the largest political rallies for human rights in United States history. This particular march was geared towards Civil and Economic rights for African Americans. The initial march took place on Wednesday, August 28, 1963 in Washington DC. The march for TODAY takes place on Wednesday, August 28, 2013. What are the odds that it would fall on the same day. Anywho… over the weekend here in DC… thousands and thousands marched to commemorate the memory while sending a non verbal but powerful message. A symbolic message of we haven’t forgotten and will continue the torch of ‘marching’.      


Today’s event will have President Obama speaking at the commemoration ceremony amongst others. I’m sure Dr. King, or any of us for that matter, never envisioned in a million years that we would have a Black President (that thankfully I have lived to see).. and that he would be speaking a similar message as that of MLK Jr. It shows that we have come such a LONG way. The demonstrations and actions of our ancestors and present day participants have not occurred in vain. However… it’s sad that even though we indeed have come a long way… 50 years later we are still marching for similar things. Yes we are legally freed from slavery, but African Americans (including myself) face repression and discrimination every single day whether its’ direct or ‘under the table’. EVERY single day. It’s amazing that we can still come together for a cause (regardless if the cause is something we’ve been fighting forever for). Racism will never die… and WE will never stop fighting. A change is gonna come.


If you get a chance today, visit google and click the emblem to find more information on the March today and in whole.     


2013| 1963

s.o. to my soror Lesli for supplying the awesome then and now pic for this year's march. xoxo.

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